Feeling a little cluttered after the holidays? Here are a few things I have done this year to help my home return to normal.
Taking down the decorations, room by room:
My kiddos get really sad when the holidays are over, so putting decorations back is not always fun. I put the decorations away when they return to school, or I do one room at a time. This year their break was a little bit shorter, so I held out on taking the decorations down for when they went back. I also like to keep organized, so taking the decorations down one room at a time allows me to have a “system” going.
My kids donated their toys:
We did a clean out of toys before the holiday, but definitely needed to do more after putting everything away. My kiddos each donated the number toys for how old they are.
I got my carpets cleaned:
With all the family and visitors we had during the holidays, I never thought my home looked cleaned. So, I decided to rent a carpet cleaner at a local grocery store. My intentions were to do the parts of my home that had the most traffic, but I ended up doing all the carpeted rooms we have. We got to keep the tool for 24 hours, so it gave me plenty of time and was super easy to use! All together it costs around $80 instead of using a company, which I have done before (but this definitely was a great way to save.)
I cleared surfaces:
When I started my refresh process, there was stuff EVERYWHERE. I needed to clear my kitchen table, my dining table, and some countertops. It made such a difference to see some clear space after all the clutter!
Declutter on-the-go items:
With visiting family and friends, my diaper bag has gone through the RINGER. I needed to organize, replenish, and clean out everything I had accumulated over the last couple of weeks. We added diapers, wipes, chapstick, hand sanitizer, and made sure it was ready for our next adventure!