An Open Letter of Appreciation to My Husband


So often in this community of mothers, I feel as though we often forget to show appreciation to the real MVPs in our lives: our husbands. We repeatedly search for answers, guidance, and support from other mothers and forget to outwardly shout praise to those who deserve it the most. I know I never show my appreciation enough, so I share an open letter to my husband:

Dear Husband,

I appreciate you more than you will ever know. Your dedication to myself and to our boys never goes without notice, but it far too often goes without praise.

Thank you for working so hard to provide for us. Working two jobs that keep you from our boys has been exhausting. I have oftentimes been told by people that your work schedule must be hard on me, but I remind them it is also hard on you. You miss the first of so many milestones for our kids, and often come home to, “Look at your son’s new trick.” Hearing our toddler say I miss you over FaceTime has to get old, and I know you would rather see our baby’s new toothy grin in person. Know I do not hate your job nor your schedule, and I am grateful for the help you provide for our community.

Thank you for being a hands-on dad. I never worry about leaving the kids with you on days I have to work. I know you will be on the ground with them playing and laughing. I don’t have to worry about diaper changes, blowouts, meals, or errands getting in your way. You are the father at Lowe’s pushing a stroller while pulling a cart, as well as the father taking the kids to the zoo to get out of the house. I love the effort you put into our children every day.

I appreciate so many other things about you. I appreciate when you cook. I appreciate how hard you work to make our fixer-upper of a house a home. I appreciate the dreams we share, the plans for our future. Know that nothing goes without notice, and nothing is taken for granted, not the efforts, nor the fears. I’m sorry you feel under appreciated on my bad days and I thank you for the patience you have for me.

I have been told in life, there is no such things as luck, there are only blessings and I am  blessed to have you as a husband.

Love you always.

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Whitney Hogrefe
Whitney is a 32-year-old hairstylist and recovering spray tan addict who resides in Waterville with her husband Tyler. At home, she is outnumbered by boys with their sons, Jett and Cole, and stepson, Leegen. She is also “mommy” to two dogs, 1 cat, a horse, and four entertaining free-range chickens. In her free time, she enjoys horseback riding, being outdoors, sampling the local eats, and reading historical fiction. Since recently moving into a fixer-upper, Whitney has become incredibly interested in home design and decor. Lastly, she loves cooking, laughing, nail polish, red wine, and (controversially) black licorice.


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