Jessica Emery
The Art of the Family Tradition
Family traditions. They hold meaning for each of us for different reasons. Often times they are a way to celebrate our family's history, recall memories of years past, or perhaps remember a loved one....
The To-Do List Can Wait Another Day
The other day I was venting to my mother about how I wished I could have two hours at home by myself to get things done. How often times I feel like I can...
A Smile Goes a Long Way
At my first work conference back from maternity leave, one of the speakers asked the audience to turn to someone next to them and share one of their real-life superpowers. Not something from a...
Swapping Out Single Use Plastics at Home
In today’s world where there are growing concerns about pollution and climate change, I feel it is my responsibility as a parent to raise my kids with a lifestyle of caring for the environment....
Cooking At Home With Toddlers
Growing up, my family shared home-cooked meals almost every night. It was important to my parents and is something I want to provide for my family as well. I have come to realize that...
Sunshine + Seasonal Affective Disorder
Here comes the sun, doo-doo-doo-do
Here comes the sun and I say, it's all right
Little darling, it's been a long, cold, lonely winter
Little darling, it feels like years since it's been here
When this Beatles song...
A Frequent Flyers Guide To Pumping On-The-Go
When you are breastfeeding your child, being on the road without them can seem overwhelming. When I returned to work after my son was born, it wasn’t long before I was on the road...
Splitting My Time Between Two Kids Wasn’t Quite What I Expected
My husband and I were ecstatic when we first learned that we were expecting our second child. It happened much quicker than the first time and meant that our kids would be about two...