Rachel Nielsen
From Elopement to Enlightenment
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but this picture is worth a thousand words and over 2000 hours of therapy.
This picture may seem silly to most parents. A picture of a...
Dear Special Needs Mama, I See You…
Dear Special Needs Mama, I see you.
I see you prepping for that IEP meeting where you will be met with resistance to your requests and hear all about the things your child cannot do.
4 Things You Need To Go Clean Right Now
I love cleaning.
Yes, I am serious.
Cleaning is an outlet for me when it comes to stress and anxiety. I love the satisfaction of a candle burning and the smell of pine sol in the...
5 Things Society Needs to Normalize in 2021
1- Dad’s take on just as much of the burden of parenthood as moms
Hear me out...Mom’s take on a lot. We are typically the “default” parent and we carry the mental load of the...
Just Get The Swim Lessons…
National Drowning Prevention Month
May is National Drowning Prevention month and to be honest I was completely unaware of this up until two years ago.
The thought of drowning was never on my radar until two...
Grieving the Child I Envisioned and Accepting the Child I Was Given
Dreaming Of A Future
If you are anything like me then in your younger years you dreamed about what your life would be like when you were older. College, marriage, career, children...
When my husband and...
Sesame Street Day!
Sesame Street Day!
Did you know that November 10th is considered Sesame Street Day? Until recently I was not aware that the longest-running children’s television show had a dedicated day on the calendar. However, it...
If My Husband Died In The Line Of Duty Tomorrow…
If my husband died in the line of duty tomorrow...
This is a thought that I have successfully pushed to the back of my mind for the past eight years. That is until I woke...
A Twin Less Twin: Sunrise and Sunset babies
A Twin Less Twin
Everyone has heard of a rainbow baby, a baby born after a loss. There is so much amazing awareness in regards to miscarriage and infant loss. I, myself, have a sweet...