Whitney Hogrefe

Whitney Hogrefe
Whitney is a 32-year-old hairstylist and recovering spray tan addict who resides in Waterville with her husband Tyler. At home, she is outnumbered by boys with their sons, Jett and Cole, and stepson, Leegen. She is also “mommy” to two dogs, 1 cat, a horse, and four entertaining free-range chickens. In her free time, she enjoys horseback riding, being outdoors, sampling the local eats, and reading historical fiction. Since recently moving into a fixer-upper, Whitney has become incredibly interested in home design and decor. Lastly, she loves cooking, laughing, nail polish, red wine, and (controversially) black licorice.

Two Boys, Two Breastfeeding Journeys

While pregnant with my first son, I had a goal to breastfeed, but that was it.  Of course, we have all heard "breast is best" for the first year, but my goal was to...

Choosing (Dog) Adoption

Two months before our wedding, my husband Tyler and I adopted our first dog.  Having both grown up in "dog homes," we wanted a dog, but I did not want to be tied down...

When Will I Know My Family Is Complete?

This past Halloween, a friend held my four-week-old son and said, "Yeah, I'm good. Holding someone else's baby is great, but I'm done."  Yet, here, only four weeks postpartum, I didn't share that feeling....

An Open Letter of Appreciation to My Husband

So often in this community of mothers, I feel as though we often forget to show appreciation to the real MVPs in our lives: our husbands. We repeatedly search for answers, guidance, and support...

Let Them Play (Outside)

  I love being outside. Am I the full-blown outdoorsy type? Not exactly. I prefer to camp in a motorhome rather than a tent, but I still love hiking the same trails as the tent...

How Not To Raise A Picky Eater: Tips from the Mom of a Foodie...

Let me start out by saying that I am a foodie. I love food. I love to cook food and I love to watch TV shows where people make food. So it should not...

Boys, Breastfeeding, and Bringing Home Baby

Throughout my second pregnancy, my husband and I would talk about how we hoped the baby would be just like our first son.  When I mentioned this to my mom,  she simply replied, "It...