First off, congrats mama! Whether you’re a first-time mama or have done this before, there is no denying pregnancy this year is much different. While we are all glad 2020 is behind us; the truth is that 2021 has not been that much different. Especially in the OB world.
While I have hope that we are on track to a newer and sooner “normal” we are still far from it. As an expecting mom myself, I can confidently say this pregnancy has been much different than my first in ways that I don’t particularly enjoy. By starters – wearing a mask while pregnant should just be illegal am I right? We already are out of breath practically 24/7 but add a mask on top of it and whew!!
Even though it is a new year and this pandemic started a year ago – it still is causing quite the change in our everyday lives. I think most of us are almost used to our “new normal” which if I’m being honest, I hate that phrase but it is what it is. But for many expecting mothers it is not a “normal” we want any part of. Limited visitors at doctor appointments, if a visitor is even allowed at all. I feel fortunate that this is not my first pregnancy and I truly feel for those who are experiencing pregnancy for their first time during this wild time in history. OB appointments, ultrasounds, tests all being faced alone without a support person there. I know for me, my husband has been completely bummed that he has not been allowed to go to any of my ultrasounds this pregnancy and I almost feel guilty that he misses out on these.
I know that in the end all that matters is a healthy mama and baby but I think we still deserve to take a minute to feel however we want to feel for our 2021 pregnancy. Many women will not get the pregnancy, baby shower, or delivery that they always imagined. So here is to you 2021 mama, it may not be what you pictured but you’re still rocking it and it’ll all be worth it when you see your sweet babe’s face. We got this!!