Hello, internet. It’s me. Your average stay-at-home mom trying to figure out how to get her baby to sleep through the night, help her toddler manage her meltdowns, fold the laundry, prep the meals, not spend too much on...
The day the love of my life proposed I was in Ann Arbor for a meeting. He had been acting completely obvious. We had chosen the ring together so I knew the question was coming but he was making...
  The Beginning It happened in the blink of an eye. One day I was a married mother of three and just like that, I am a single mother of three. The motherly instinct in me, of course, put the kids...
Parenting is hard. Single parenting is rough. Parenting in the face of addiction is mind-numbing. Addiction doesn't care where you live, what you drive, or how many children you have. It finds it's way into every occupation and profession....
So often in this community of mothers, I feel as though we often forget to show appreciation to the real MVPs in our lives: our husbands. We repeatedly search for answers, guidance, and support from other mothers and forget...
You and hubby need a date night, like desperately, but there's no sitter to be found. We've all been there. There comes a time in parenthood when you get into a routine, life begins to take over and before...
  Who feels like they are living in this dream-like state just waiting to wake up from it? With my friends, family, and neighbors in Northwest Ohio, we have been utilizing FaceTime, Zoom, and other ways to try and still...
After scrolling through social media how do you feel? Less than? Inspired? Sad? Happy? Connected? There are so many feelings that social media can bring about, but it's our job as humans to be able to breeze past or overcome...
  After being single for most of my adult life, I got married at 38. To a widower. Whose first wife died of brain cancer. Who was raising two young children on his own. You might be thinking, "Dang. That's a movie." Which one are you...
In this very busy world, it's easy to focus on what must be done for the day, what we need, and how the heck will we have enough time to get it all done. As moms, it's easy to...

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Holiday Light Displays in NW Ohio 2024

Whether you are bundling up and taking a stroll, or driving the car through, we know your family is sure to love these festive...