Welcome! NW Ohio Moms is thrilled to have you as part of the team! Whether you are just beginning this fun new journey or you have been on the team since it launched, hopefully, this Resource Page will be a helpful tool in learning and maintaining all things NW Ohio Moms. Don’t see something you need? Please feel free to ask in our Slack group or suggest edits too!

Participating on our social media platforms is imperative for the success of NW Ohio Moms! We want your voices to be heard. We want to connect with moms across our community. Social media is the primary way we do that.
Here are some ways you can engage:
- Share the blog posts you’ve written on the day they are published (via NW Ohio Moms Facebook or IG post)
- Share posts that resonate with you or you think will resonate with your network
- Hit “like” on posts we share on Facebook or Instagram
- Share our Instagram posts in your Instagram stories
- Comment on posts – especially posts that encourage discussion/participation in the comments (i.e. mom polls)
- Download any of these images to share your role as a contributing writer with your friends and family!
- Be sure to tag @nwohiomoms wherever you post so people know where to find us.
- To download, just click the image and it will open in a new window. Then, save the image to your computer or phone.
Our private SLACK group will be our main form of communication. This is where we’ll discuss monthly post topics and communicate any announcements.
Talking amongst yourselves is encouraged! Ask the group to help you brainstorm ideas. Put a call out for local business recommendations. Complain about your children not letting you go to the bathroom alone. This group is our place to hang out virtually as a team!
With that being said, please do not use the SLACK group as a place for the promotion of your own business, organization, or events not related to community wide events.

All NW Ohio Moms Contributors will be given a WordPress account to be used for submitting posts. When you become an Ambassador, you should receive an email with your login credentials.
To access WordPress, go to https://nwohiomoms.com/wp-admin
Your username will be what you filled out in the form. If you have not filled out your information for a WordPress Username and Login, please do so here: WP FORM and you are welcome to change your password to something secure and easy for you to remember.
To publish an anonymous post, log out of your account and log in with the following info:
Username: AnonymousTM
Password: Toledomoms123
All posts should be drafted and submitted for review via WordPress.
Please watch this video for a WordPress tutorial and reach out to Ashley if you have any questions. This is Kelly with Central Mass Mom.
As a NW Ohio Moms contributor, your bio & headshot will appear at the bottom of your posts and on our “Meet Our Contributors” page. This allows readers to learn more about you and easily read other posts you have written.
When you initially come on as a contributor, you need to email your bio to Jen ([email protected]). Here are the guidelines for each.
DO NOT overthink this! Writing about yourself can be strange. Keep it simple and let it reflect your personality.
• ~100 words (little less or little more is fine)
• Written in 3rd person (i.e. Ashley is a mom. She is a cool mom. Her kids think she is so fun at all times.)
• If you own a business, feel free to mention it and include a link. Write the link in parentheses next to the business name in your bio so Ashley can hyperlink it in WordPress.
• Ideas of things to mention: where you’re from/where you live, members of your family, occupation, likes/dislikes
If you have a headshot to use, please email that to [email protected]. If you do not have a headshot, Jen will be setting up a chance for a headshot asap. This is weather and time permitting of course.
Need examples? Check out our Meet Our Contributors page to see the headshots and bios of your fellow contributors!

- Ideal word count: 500-1,000 words (less or more is okay if it feels appropriate)
- Use subheadings to break up the post.
- Use an SEO-friendly title. Think of what people may type into a Google search.
- Proofread and spellcheck posts before submitting them for review. Check out the free version of Grammarly to help with this.
- Posts must be original and not published anywhere else on the internet (i.e. personal blog, business website, social post, etc). However, linking to your posts is encouraged!
- Content cannot include any profanity or derogatory language.
Featured Image
All posts must contain one featured image. Additional photos are optional.
• Must be landscape and able to size down to 600 x 400px
• Featured image should be added to the top of the post and to the “Set Featured Image” box on the righthand side of WordPress
• No collages or text overlay should be used
• Make sure the featured image represents what the blog post is about
Finding Images
• NEVER use Google image search!
• Use high-quality, engaging personal photos OR a free stock photo – Canva.com and Unsplash.com are just two of many free stock image resources
• If using a personal photo taken by a professional photographer, make sure you have permission to use this photo and give credit at the end of the blog post
• If you don’t have an image or you are not comfortable finding an allowed stock image for your post, no problem! Just leave the post image-less and Jen will find one for you during the editing process.
Topic ideas are endless! You are all interesting and dynamic moms with A LOT to say. Many of you have niches or areas of expertise and that’s great! Don’t feel like you need to be confined to that niche – readers want to get to know your personality and all elements of your motherhood journey.
Think LOCAL: We love to keep our content relevant to the NW Ohio area – or at least within driving distance for day trips and outings. Blog posts can feature places to go and things to do while more general topics {potty training, DIY, working, parenthood, etc.} can be given a local twist simply because they are written by a local mom – YOU!
Think MOMS: It may sound obvious, but NW Ohio Mom’s target audience is made up of moms, so it only makes sense that our content remains under the broad category of parenting, within which you have a ton of subtopics to choose from – the experience of being a mom, phases of development, tips and tricks, home management strategies specific to moms, culture and community, work experience, and of course, all the locally-focused ideas mentioned above. If you have an idea that interests you and your friends, our readers would probably love to read about it too!
Think CONNECTIONS: What draws you in to read something online? Think about what incites your curiosity or makes you want to share online content with a friend. That’s the spark we are looking for!
Most Importantly: Write what you love, and love what you write!
Topic Brainstorming
We will discuss blog topics monthly in our SLACK group. This will ensure we aren’t posting redundant posts in the same month. When thinking about your topic, remember that the posts will likely be published in the following 2 weeks.
If you have a time-sensitive idea, feel free to pitch it anytime!
Roundups of local businesses or resources – “8 Date Night Ideas in Toledo Moms” or “Library Resources You May Not Know Existed”
Personal stories and experiences of motherhood – both serious and comical (can also be posted on the anonymous account!)
Controversial Topics
When writing a piece involving a controversial topic, start with some simple questions.
• Could someone feel hurt by this when they read it?
• Is my perspective coming through without sounding argumentative or with a clear agenda?
• Am I sharing only what I KNOW to be my personal experience and not citing generalizations or claiming the experience of others as my own?
If the piece is submitted and we send it back for edits, please don’t take it personally. Our goal is always to create a safe community for everyone and being mindful about our content is part of that.
If, in the end, we decide not to publish the piece on NW Ohio Moms, you are free to use it on any of your own personal platforms.
Disclaimer: NW Ohio Moms can not guarantee that all posts submitted will be published. Posts will be published at the discretion of the Owner and/or Content Editor
Mini Blog or IG Post
Don’t have a blog size topic or submission that you want to share? Maybe a IG content post or even a poem will get the point across. These will need to be submitted via email. Send the text and if applicable, image, to [email protected]
NW Ohio Moms is a business. It does earn income based on the advertising of businesses as well as trades services for writer gifts and other giveaways for the NW Ohio Moms audience. Ambassadors are not expected nor asked nor required to recruit other businesses to advertise using this platform.
All work generating income is coming from the administrative side of NW Ohio Moms, and not of the Ambassadors contributions.
Because of the nature of the NW Ohio Moms business resource, specific features of local businesses have to be handled differently. Non-Profits and Charities are not included in this ‘rule’. Below is an example. If you are not sure, ask!
An example: you could write on the benefits of message and why you get one monthly. You could not solely highlight all the wonderful services offered at “X” spa and all the amenities they offer.