Five Ways to Disconnect in an Instagram World


Disconnecting in an Instagram World

After scrolling through social media how do you feel?

Less than? Inspired? Sad? Happy? Connected? There are so many feelings that social media can bring about, but it’s our job as humans to be able to breeze past or overcome the negativity that social media can lay on our hearts.

Truth is, one of my favorite social media platforms is Instagram. I love that Instagram allows me to connect to local resources, local businesses, local business owners, and inspirational accounts. Sometimes, Instagram leaves me feeling less than and inadequate. It makes me feel like there are others out there who are “mommin” way better than me, there is someone out there that has a far more beautiful house than mine, and there is someone whose closet is stocked full of the world’s trendiest clothes.

Quite honestly, I’ve been caught up in the comparison game lately.

If only my life would look like theirs, it would be easier. My life would be better if I lived in a neighborhood, rather than owning land. If I did more sensory play with my daughter, then I would FOR sure be a better mom.

Mamas, all of those things, may appear to be wonderful, but getting sucked into the trap of an edited reality can leave you feeling far too empty.

What goes on behind the seemingly perfect squares? A lot that you don’t know about, mama. Behind my perfect décor squares, I’ve struggled with finding happiness as a stay at home mom. I have struggled with finding balance on Instagram vs. spending time with my husband. I’ve walked a fine line of making my marriage a priority. I have battled seasonal depression. Truth be told, how much of that did I post on my social media accounts? NONE. None of it friends. I didn’t post any of my weaknesses. I’m going to repeat that. I didn’t post ANY of my weaknesses and truth be told, that’s how a whole lot of Instagram is, mamas. Above all, using tools to disconnect from social media can be very essential, especially for your mental health.

Helpful tools

Here are five essential tools you can use to find genuine happiness in today’s social media-driven society:

  1. Find a time to unplug. In the morning? Tuck your phone away so you can connect with your significant other before work. At night? Turn your phone off. Leave it on your nightstand to find a time to unplug.
  2. Find accountability. Share your heart with a friend, with a family member, with a spouse or significant other. Let them know that you desire to disconnect from social media and ask them to check in with you.
  3. Intentionally connect with loved ones. Organize a day trip to a nearby town. Set up monthly date nights with a local sitter. Take cookies to your neighbor. Have a friend who has a sick baby? Offer to make her a meal.
  4. Set a reminder on your phone. Remind yourself to unplug and to set down your phone.
  5. Set up a play date. Get outside. Go to the gym. Sign up for a fitness class. Find things to do that bring self-care and find true satisfaction in doing what you love.

In conclusion, find a way to disconnect today, mama!

What do you do to unplug? Please leave a suggestion below!

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Jenna Sims
Jenna Sims is a stay at home momma who currently resides in Maumee, Ohio with her husband Grant and daughter Sadie. Together, they enjoy exploring Toledo’s metro parks, scoping out some killer food at local restaurants, and finding fun events to attend within their community. When they aren’t exploring their community, Jenna and Grant are slaving away on their new fixer-upper. Check out their journey on Instagram @thisoldbrickhouse. Aside from renovations, Jenna is passionate about fitness, being outdoors, and anything vintage or antique related; especially shopping at local estate sales and the Maumee Antique Mall.


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