Welcome to 2021 the year where I really get organized!! How many times have you started out a year saying “this is the year I go through that junk door and keep it organized, this is the year I finally have the time to focus on the (insert room)?” Too many to count?!? Yea; me too! I mean the good intentions are always there but the follow through once the kids head back to school, the holidays are over and schedules resume those goals slip away.
So I’m here to help you work little by little in those spaces. I’ll share what we do and you just work it into your life however best you can.
I use a template calendar I find online (free & printable). I look at our personal family calendar and then I plug in 1 area on each day I’ve got some extra time. I even include the kids, sometimes they get rid of more than me. You’ll start wherever you’d like but heres some ideas:
•Bathrooms-clean out old prescriptions, expired products, items you haven’t used in a year, 1/2 used soaps, perfumes, lotions you’re not going to use & get organizing. I love these little baskets from target, you get 3 for $2. They’re perfect for sectioning off and organizing those bathroom vanity drawers.
•Kitchen-we all have those utensils and cookware we don’t really use we’ve just collected over the years. again large silverware organizers are key here, I love sectioning off my drawers and organizing, spoons, ladles, spatulas and miscellaneous utensils. Then those cupboards!! Of you haven’t used that kitchen appliance, bowl, strainer, in the last year it’s time to ditch it.
•Basement/Garage: Where do you store your holiday decor? Totes are perfect, if they get wet your decor goes untouched. Go through old toys, books, clothing, paperwork…all of it! Shred, bag up to sell or donate; organize by season or the holiday.
•Bedrooms: How do decide what clothing to donate or sell?!? Do you or do you have a family member that saves EVERYTHING?!?! Start small, go through each persons clothing and anything that’s got too much wear, anything you or they haven’t worn in a year or more, anything you look at and just don’t like. Then move on to does it fit, ask do you love it, will I/they wear this?
Once you’ve gone through this all you should be feeling accomplished, less cluttered and possibly have a little joy from all your donations and/or a little extra cash if you took anything to resale shops.
Here’s some options for donations we love & resale shops:
Local Churches, Family Housing, Buy Nothing Project pages on Facebook
Once Upon A Child-Perrysburg & Sylvania
Clothes Mentor-Perrysburg & Sylvania
Nine Lives & Toledo Humane Store-Toledo