As our good friend, Olaf would say it:
“When life gets rough I like to hold on to my dream
Of relaxing in the summer sun just lettin’ off steam!”
Summertime, the time for dirty feet, the constant smell of sunscreen, bathing suits and beach towels always hanging up to dry between swims, that cold Truly that you just opened and took your first sip of (am I right Mamas? Isn’t that glorious?). Summertime the time for as many adventures as you can squeeze into a day. Now I know some summer plans may have been changed because of the COVID situation and all, but I refuse to let it ruin the few months out of a year that I can have endless outdoor fun with my daughter; pandemic or not.
I’ve honestly never understood why the “First day of Summer” marked on the calendar is so late, June 20th seems like it’s already almost a month into that summer feeling. I want all the extra calendar days to count as summer as I can get. I like most Moms usually count down for school to be back in session and be back on a normal schedule by the time mid-July hits. Nevertheless, in the beginning, I want all the days I can get. All the days I can get for those endless bike ride adventures through a new park trail or trying out new ice cream places we drive past and even the endless amounts of sunscreen I go through to protect my sensitive skinned, blonde hair, blue-eyed 8-year-old. We even finally got ourselves a hammock to cuddle in and watch the trees in the breeze as she reads a book out loud to me.
Now, don’t get me wrong I enjoy summer for all the grown-up stuff as well. I mean who doesn’t love a great patio at a local restaurant to have a delicious dinner and drinks on with friends? Mainly the thirst-quenching drinks of course. Or how about when you’re lucky enough to get some natural Vitamin C without the layer of sunscreen you have to apply to those Coppertone babies every hour or so? My absolute favorite thing about summer is that summer air, sitting by water just listening to it ripple with a good sunset reflection hitting it just right.
I think with every season everyone always has a favorite activity or memory they look back on that reminds them exactly of that time of year.
My favorite summertime memory growing up was at my campgrounds that my entire immediate family would camp at, we always had “dances” on the basketball courts, played horseshoes on Saturday mornings, sat in the gazebo where only the older kids were allowed. I mean we ruled that campgrounds, we could go anywhere and everywhere within that place without a care in the world. Sleeping in the bed of the truck to stare up at the sky and not have to be in the camper with our parents in the next room. If fitness watches were a thing back then I know for a fact I’d always meet my step goal with how many late-night walks we would take to people watch throughout the different sections of tents, campers, and mobile homes. I always look back on that memory when I think of summertime growing up. My parents never took us on fancy vacations every year and it was never necessary, our little campsite was perfect enough. Now that I have a daughter of my own, I’m so adamant about making memories with her to remember just like I have mine. I have a lifetime of memories to go with her, but so far there’s still the few that bring me back to being little again. We’ve explored many new trails since she’s learned to confidently ride her bike with just two wheels and we’ve tent camped in multiple different campgrounds. We have hiked quite a bit too and she’s become quite a little fish just like I was, so she always wants to be in the pool.
Even with getting to do so much, the absolute best part of sweet sweet summertime to me….. is ALWAYS the extra time I get to spend making memories with my little.
I can only hope she gets to reminisce on her childhood and say “Oh I remember summertime with Mom…and this was my favorite memory”
After everything this world has gone through this year, remember to slow down and enjoy the memories you make. Soak in all those dirty little feet, soaking wet bathing suits laying in the bathtub, and those rosy cheeks that have a smile from ear to ear in between them.
Once again like Olaf says:
“Winter’s a good time to stay in and cuddle
But put me in summer and I’ll be a —
Happy snowman!”
This Mama is a very Happy Snowman so far, and summer hasn’t even officially begun! Here’s to all the summertime memories you get to make this season.
Enjoy the sunshine!