Don’t you just love FREE food? I sure do! Dining out at restaurants can get expensive really fast when you have growing kids. But, with a little research and planning (don’t worry – I’m here to help!), kids can...
We all know that date nights are important for our marriages. We also know that it is easy to put date night on the back burner when we are knee-deep in parenting, work, and our day to day lives....
It's a word I talk and think about often but sometimes I don't practice it as often as I should. Who has the time? Sometimes life gets hard and busy, and I struggle to remember how amazing my life...
The 4th Trimester…. If you’re anything like me (first-time mama over here) then before you were pregnant this may have been a completely foreign word to you. Everyone talks about the three trimesters in pregnancy but it wasn’t until...
Dear New Mamas,
I see you agonizing over every little decision for this little human and thinking "Am I already somehow messing this up?"
I remember, extremely vividly, driving myself mad after I had my son. My trigger, you ask? Breastfeeding....
Nothing takes me back to the days of being a kid more than the smell of fresh-cut grass. I can remember moments spent running through sprinklers and getting orange sherbert push pops from the ice cream truck. Countless studies...
My husband and I were ecstatic when we first learned that we were expecting our second child. It happened much quicker than the first time and meant that our kids would be about two years apart. As my pregnancy...
It's a random Tuesday in January (or April) in Northwest Ohio, and our kids are anxiously watching the morning news with their pajamas on inside out (yes, that's a thing) while you pace back-and-forth in the kitchen. The meteorologist...
Another day has come to an end.
As the kids are asleep down the hallway (hopefully for the whole night), you find yourself tiptoeing to the bathroom to take that much needed and anticipated shower. Not only to clean off...
Don’t tell my husband, but sometimes I tell him I am at the grocery store when I am really out relaxing + drinking coffee + shopping. Retail therapy is a real thing for me. A cup of coffee or...