Preparation is Key When you become a mother, you understand that it is all about preparation. Getting the nursery ready and buying everything the baby needs. Reading up on every topic known to mankind to be as mentally prepared as...
Chances are if you are reading this, you are a mom, so unless you live under a rock, you’ve heard of nesting while pregnant. Nesting is the act of preparing for your baby’s arrival, with a particular focus on...
Let’s talk about something most women wear daily, and something none of us is a big fan of… Bras. My favorite thing about bras is taking them off the minute I walk through the door. Unfortunately, going out into...
Spring is here! Which means Mothers Day is right around the corner. A day meant to celebrate all of us moms out there for everything we do the other 364 days out of the year. With the craziness of...
If I could give you any gift in the world, sweet boy, it would be your innocence. You came into the world over 3 weeks early, so small and frail. At a petite 6lbs even, you fit in your dad’s...
Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is when a baby isn’t growing as expected during pregnancy. There’s a chance you’ve never heard of it. I hadn’t, until the doctor was sitting in front of me asking if we had done any genetic...
Infertility is hard. There is no sugar coating it. Last year I wrote an article for Toledo Moms talking about the struggles that we were going through conceiving a second child. At the time, we were a year in...
Let me set the stage, dear reader: It’s January 2021 and two vaccines for the COVID-19 virus have been developed and are being distributed.  I am so ready for life to be back to any kind of “normal” and...
Dreaming Of A Future  If you are anything like me then in your younger years you dreamed about what your life would be like when you were older. College, marriage, career, children... When my husband and I were first married (seven...
Covid-19 is all we have heard about since this time last year. I don’t know about all y’all, but I’m over it. I’m beyond ready to get back to a sense of normalcy. I’m ready to stop being so dang...

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