Don’t Lose It: Tips to Combat YOUR Cabin Fever through COVID-19


It’s no secret that we need resources to handle the three weeks (minimum) we are on hiatus from school. City Mom Collective has provided a mega list here and Toledo Moms has implemented an entirely new category for COVID-19. You can find all the Toledo Mom posts here.

I may not personally have children old enough to be affected by this, but I am here for you. I want to talk about how YOU are gonna get through this. You’ve got all the resources you need to keep those kids busy, so I know it’ll help. But what about your cabin fever?

I know what it’s like to need to walk away and get a breath of fresh air, that need for peace and quiet or just a moment to collect your thoughts.

We got you, Mama. Read on!

Take a walk

Okay, yes we are limiting social interaction with the distancing and crowd control in Toledo right now. That doesn’t mean we have to stay INSIDE! Check out Sarah’s tips on 6 Ways to Get Fresh Air… for some options with your littles. Don’t forget to give yourself some fresh air too Mama! Find a way to get some fresh air, especially with Spring weather lately.

Listen to Music

Grab some headphones, any kind! Don’t worry about finding the fancy ones. Head to your room, the garage, any room you choose and promise yourself one song. Definitely don’t think too hard about what to listen to when you get there, either. Head to ALL your songs and shuffle it, stop at the first one you love. Honestly, lock yourself in a closet for ONE song if you need to. (Let’s be real, we’ll probably choose the bathroom)

Go to Bed Early

I’m serious. I know we try to stay up and get that ME time after the kids are sleeping, but pick a night and just go to sleep with them! After all, right now is not the time to lack sleep because our immune systems go into a hyper mode when we sleep. It’s why you spend sick days in bed. So get that sleep, girl! Unless you’re the Mom falling asleep on the couch ten minutes into the movie, I see you too. Keep doing you, Mama.

Self Care Sunday

Let’s be real, Mamas. All of this is good in theory! We can even write this one down in our planners, add it to the phone calendar, and see the reminder. We still might not take that moment to ourselves. We might tell ourselves over and over again to keep going. Especially with more hours at the home. Do more, clean more, go go go! It’s a harsh truth of life, and even more so these days with us all being out of our routines. I’d be pressed to see anyone around the world not affected by this right now. It’s even more important for us to take that moment. Share your moment with us on Instagram!

Goodbye Cabin Fever!

Whether you choose to get some fresh air with a quick walk around the path, getting extra sleep, or promising yourself just one song with your eyes closed – take care of you! Cabin Fever can lead to short tempers, tears, and just general boredom. Let’s try to remember ourselves while we navigate the new normal of COVID-19. We will get through this.


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