Instagram. I’ll be the first to admit. I was late to the party. Like most trends, I didn’t hop on board until late in the game. I joined in 2018 and was indifferent about it, still spending way more time on Facebook. I didn’t really start utilizing Instagram more until I began contributing to Toledo Moms. I actually didn’t really watch stories (much less do them myself) until I joined TM. I learned and started posting stories just so I could do a takeover Tuesday.
This being said, lately, Instagram has become my go-to. I love following a variety of accounts, and love watching stories, and even people going live. I mean who AM I? I personally blame quarantine, but it’s really not a bad thing. Instagram can be informative, mind-numbing (I’m considering mindless scrolling a GOOD thing, an escape if you will), or most importantly for me, entertaining.
So, for your enjoyment, I decided to go into an Instagram rabbit hole and try to come up with my favorite accounts to follow. Turns out, there are way too many, so we are going to do this by category in a series. First up, since we are a site for moms, after all, are my top 10 favorite motherhood/parenting accounts, in no particular order:
Kids are the Worst
This Instagram page exists to make you laugh. Most of the posts are memes or funny images because isn’t that what many of us are looking for on social media? Its page description says it all. “It’s ok to laugh. You were the worst once, too.”
Scary Mommy
With over two million Instagram followers, I’m sure you’re already familiar with this one. If not, it’s definitely worth a follow. You can follow the link to their website if you want to read some of their articles, or just scroll through their feed of funny and relatable content.’s about page on their website says Motherly was born to send expert ideas and mom-to-mom inspiration to women exactly when they need it. Their page is full of tricks-of-the-trade and inspiring stories from moms for moms.
Busy Toddler
Are you looking for activities to keep your toddler entertained? If so, this page is for you. It has tons of activity ideas if you are running out of things to keep your kid busy with and don’t want to resort to screen time. Despite the name, there are activities on this page that work for older children as well.
Days with Grey
Similar to Busy Toddler, there are lots of activity ideas for your kiddo on this page. She actually posts new activities every weekday. I can’t lie and say I’m a Pinterest mom that does all of these, but I really like following these types of pages. I take the time to browse them for inspiration, especially if I’m looking to do a fun or interesting holiday activity/project.
Our Table Eating in Color
It’s no secret that my kid is a PICKY eater. We’ve tried lots of different things to incorporate new foods, and they usually fall flat. This page gives lots of suggestions to try to get your kids to try new things, and it DOESN’T focus solely on getting kids to eat veggies (which is near impossible for me). This focuses on little adjustments you can slowly make which I think is much more realistic for the average parent.
Tinkles Her Pants
This account is one of my favorites to follow as this mama is so refreshingly honest about her day to day life with two kids with autism. I’ve mentioned this site before because reading an article of hers gave me my “a-ha” moment realizing that my daughter was likely on the spectrum.
Mom Doc Psychology
The mama that runs this page is a psychologist (if you couldn’t tell by the name). She provides mental health education for moms, whether pregnant, postpartum or a seasoned mom. Her content is educational and motivational.
Always Enough Tribe
The Always Enough community is run by a group of moms in the 419. The content is always empowering, as is their motto for us women, that we are “always enough”. I really find the posts on this account to be honest and personal which isn’t always the case on Instagram. For those that are interested, they also have a link to shop for apparel.
Toledo Moms
Of course, I had to add Toledo Mom’s own Instagram account! It has links to all of our updated posts, along with other fun and/or informational content for us mamas. My personal favorite is watching Takeover Tuesdays in our stories. Each week a different contributor takes over and I always enjoy watching a day in the life of another mom in the area.
This list was hard to narrow down even though I just focused on the category of motherhood and parenting. I know I had to leave off so many great pages, and that I’m not even aware of others. Share your favorite motherhood/parenting Instagram page with me below that I might have missed!