Sponsored Post By: ISR with Annette Lazenby
May is National Water Safety Month. I am Annette Lazenby, a Certified ISR (Infant Swimming Resource) Instructor in NW Ohio. May is almost over but that does not mean that Water Safety should come to an end. We as parents need to know all the layers of protection for Water safety and practice them year-round. YES, year-round; drowning has no season.

First is Supervision. We at ISR (Infant Swimming Resource) like to call it C.E.O. – Constant Eyes On. The next layer is having alarms on doors, windows, and gates leading outside. Third, we encourage all parents to learn CPR. And finally, if all the previous layers break down, give the child the skills to save themselves; give them life-saving ISR lessons.
I have recently been working with JoAnn Barnett, President and CoFounder of ISR to get ISR open again in Private Pools in Ohio. She shared some statistics with me that were alarming. I have shared many times that Drowning is the #1 Cause of death in little ones 4 and younger (#2 for children 5-12). But I also found out that for every drowning, there are 4 more children that survive but experience permanent brain damage.
It is assumed that a child will be supervised by an adult when they are at the pool, but did you know that 83% of all water emergencies happen when the child is fully clothed? Most Mommies and Daddies did not plan for their child to be swimming or even near water. But, the child wandered off and in a matter of seconds or minutes they found themselves in a water emergency.
It is now pool season in Ohio. Did you know that a 2019 Federal study shows that Ohio is ranked the 4th deadliest state for pool and spa drownings among children. Only Texas, Florida, and California have more. It is time for you as a parent to take action to assure your child is safe in and around the water.
Taking action does NOT mean to put them in Puddle Jumpers, Floaties, or Life Vests in the water. These devices teach the child vertical water orientation. It teaches them drowning posture. Should a water emergency occur, they will go to what they think keeps them above water – head up and feet underneath them. They will quickly and quietly go underwater.

ISR is not open in private pools in Ohio right now but I just testified to the Ohio Senate and it will go to a vote as early as next week.
I LOVE being in the water teaching the little ones. I teach in a fun indoor private pool in Perrysburg (above). If you are interested in learning more about ISR, please go to my website www.