Nothing says Fall in the Midwest quite like Apple Picking and Orchards. Northwest Ohio has so many options when it comes to U-Pick Apple Orchards and Fruit Farms! Whether you’re looking to pick your own as a family, or get fresh options already assembled, we have you covered on what is available in your area!
Apple U-Pick Options

MACQUEEN’S – Holland, OH
MacQueen’s Orchards grows 16 varieties of apples and 7 varieties of peaches, plus we sell a large variety of all your favorite, seasconal locally grown vegetables year round.
The pick your own season generally runs from mid-September to the third week of October.
Looking for fresh donuts baked goods? Our bakers are noted for our flakey, golden crusts. You are welcome to buy whole pies or to select a slice of your favorite and sit down in the sweet shop to enjoy it along with a great cup of coffee or sweet apple cider.
Mark your calendar for the Apple Butter Festival in Oct. and check out website for all the other features of the Orchard, Gift Shop & more.

BENNETT’S- Ottawa Lake, MI
For over 60 years our family has grown quality fruits and vegetables at best prices around. Come visit us for fresh air and apple picking or buy them already picked. We make fresh donuts on the weekends and always pressing fresh cider!
Don’t miss our country store, fresh honey from our own bees and farm fresh eggs. Maple syrup, popcorn, baked goods, jams, and jellies fill our shelves.
Open August 1 – December 20th.
Home of Broken Barrel Hard Cider Co.

Johnston farms is more than just an apple farm. They have fresh fruits to pick year round, donuts, cider, a petting zoo, sandbox, games and picnic area. Photographers can even purchase a day pass.
U-Pick Apples is open through Oct. 31st.
Farm Hours: Mon-Sat 8:30am-7pm, Sun 10am-6pm

HOEN’S- Delta, OH
Hoen’s Orchard is a family owned operation out in Delta, OH offering U-Pick Apples as well as raspberries and other seasonal options. Current apple varieties available are: Gala, Honey Crisp and Ginger Golden.
Located in the market are season veggies such as Butternut and Acorn Squashes.
Load up the family and come pick some Apples!
Hours: Mon-Sat 9am-5pm, Sun: 10am-5pm
Fresh Fruit and Produce
DERGES- Defiance, OH
What is your family’s favorite place to check out this time of year for apples, cider and donuts?