REwilding Childhood in a Digital World


Rewilding Childhood

It’s no secret that I am passionate about getting kids off screens and outside. When you think about it, we are only given a short time to give our kids the best childhood possible.

18 years may seem like an eternity, but it translates into, 6,570 days, 157,680 hours, or 9,460,800 minutes. Those minutes are all the time you have to influence your greatest contribution to this world. Our natural spaces are rapidly disappearing along with the words that describe our natural world and if we don’t bring our kids back to nature, we may be the last generation that gets to enjoy it.

child watching a rushing creek

The Benefits of Getting Outside

Science has proven that there are many benefits to getting outside. Just 10 minutes outside has been proven to reduce anger, fear, stress, and blood pressure. Getting into nature boosts the immune system, energy and enhances creativity. So, the next time you or one of your kids is having a hard time concentrating take a break and go play outside, or go take a walk at one of our beautiful Metroparks. Nature also increases our attention span and helps our ability to connect with other people. Without a doubt we need to get nature back inside us, but how?

So how do we get more green time and less screen time?

The best way is to accept that children do not need to be entertained even most of the time. Children become more resourceful and start using their imaginations when we don’t try to fill their every moment with activity. Give them the chance to get a little lost in the woods, to look for fairies hiding in the brush and to imagine that mushrooms are tiny families. Let them look for and find the magic that only nature can inspire.

In a time that has convinced us that the world is a scary place how can we encourage them to get off the couch and outdoors?

A scavenger hunt like this one is a great start. Take them to a place where they can safely catch frogs or observe tadpoles. Let your sensitive kiddo save the worms on the sidewalk and teach them how they improve the soil. Tell them to go climb a tree and mean it. Spend a few hours laying in the yard and see how many shapes you can see in the clouds. While you search for animals and fruit in the sky this may be a great time to engage your child in meaningful conversation. Here is a great list of ideas to get out and get some fresh air.

Earth Day 2020

Undoubtedly one of the most popular days of the year, and this year happens to be the 50th Anniversary. I encourage you to look for unique ways to celebrate this year. Try to choose an activity that you can turn into a tradition. A few suggestions are to plant a tree, adopt a manatee or other endangered species, find a stretch of land and clean up litter or encourage your neighbors to recycle, you can even start a garden. Even a container garden would be fun. On the other hand, if the only activity you can do is take a nature walk then do it. Look up native birds or plants, print off a guide and see what you can find on your walk.

Without a doubt getting outside to play, is good for your family in so many ways. Find what works for you and try to get out daily. If you can’t get out watch a video on neighborhood/local birds or native plants. Collect dandelion leaves for Natures Nursery for the baby bunnies or attend one of their workshops. Call a park ranger and learn about our local wildlife. However, you bring the wild back in, Enjoy It.

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Eva Moore
Eva is a work at home mom to Alex 20, Ani 17, Abi 6, and Archer 2.5. She along with her husband Brent and the minions reside in Delta, Ohio. They love the rural life and take a holistic approach to health and wellness. Eva is active in her church and community (soccer coach and chicken festival committee). When she isn’t busy homeschooling, running kids or working their small urban homestead ( they have ducks, chickens, rabbits, dogs, cats, a pony named Hippo and squirrels in their pear tree) you can find her blogging about being a special needs mom, homeschooling and motherhood at and on Facebook and Instagram @evainterrupted. She is also a contributing writer for NW Ohio Mom's Blog and at


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