Amazon Prime is one of the best resources out there for busy moms. Need something quick, but don’t want to leave or aren’t able to leave the house? No worries, Amazon has your back. Since we are being instructed to stay home as much as possible, I know I’m not the only one making a few too many purchases on Amazon. I figured why not share what I’m buying, it might just be something you want or need too.
Stuff for my kiddo
Lego set– We actually don’t own any legos yet, when these arrive they will be our first ever set! My daughter and I went to the art museum recently, and she spent forever playing on their lego wall. I’ve been looking at buying some, and considering all the time we will spend at home, I bought this set when I saw they had a deal on them.
Wikki Stix– I heard of these for the first time a month or two ago when they showed up on a list for good toys that can be used for occupational therapy. These little sticks can be used for a variety of things, and they are mess-free (just a little sticky). We’ve used them a few times trying to mold them into shapes, letters, etc.
Don’t Break the Ice- I bought this for my kiddo’s Easter basket, but I have a feeling we are going to be getting this classic game out before the bunny comes. We are spending lots of family time together, and this game seems doable for my little one and it seems like it could help with some fine motor skills.
This Letter Game– Our daughter has learned her letters, so now we are trying to work on simple words. She has a puzzle she’s done well with, but it has a limited number of words, so I figured I’d give this a try. Again, this is supposed to be for her Easter basket, but now that we are stuck at home she will likely get this sooner.
Art smocks-We are doing a lot of arts and crafts right now and using paint, in particular, can be messy. Hence these smocks. I like that even though these are a little large right now, we have room to grow and can use these for years if they stay in good enough condition
Stuff for ME or the whole family
Coffee – I saw a deal on coffee, and I LOVE coffee. Enough said.
Coffee Foam– I buy this coffee foam pretty regularly to jazz up my coffee a little bit and make it feel fancier. I noticed I was running low and since I know I’ll be home a lot, and hitting up fewer coffee shops, I figured it was a great time to stock up.
Cheeze-its- I follow a lot of Facebook groups that find good deals for you. This is one of the deals that I saw posted. These will get eaten at home and the office, so this buy was a no-brainer.
Amazon Fire Stick– We utilize streaming services all the time, and we had one tv left in the house that we didn’t have one of these for. We got a fire stick for that tv (especially because the price had temporarily dropped when I bought it). We probably will have more screen time than usual being home so much, so this purchase just made sense.
Marshmallows– You’re probably thinking to yourself that this purchase is a little strange. Why would I need marshmallows of all things during all of this time at home? I bought these to make Rice Krispie treats with my kiddo. Baking/Cooking is a fun way to pass the time, and this is one thing that is simple enough that my 3-year-old can help out. Additionally, I’ve seen lots of different activities using marshmallows and toothpicks to build different things, and I know we are all looking for any and all activities to keep our kiddos engaged.
The infamous “saved for later” list
Now is the time that I’m going to give a special mention to several items in my “saved for later” list. If I’m being honest, my list is fairly large, and a lot of the items will never get purchased. However, from time to time, an item does make the cut, especially if the price drops. As a bargain shopper, that’s the number one thing I use this “saved for later” list for.
Craft Busy Box– I just saw this on a COVID-19 list of things to buy and added it to my list right away.
My Go-To Black Leggings– These are my favorite comfy leggings, and anytime an old pair of leggings need to be thrown out, I replace them with these. I wear leggings a lot, especially when I’m at home and don’t leave the house (AKA pretty much every day during this COVID-19 mess).
Almonds– I got these particular smokehouse flavored almonds on a deal, and we love them. We are almost done with the first bag, and then I’ll probably buy these again because we are going through snacks pretty quickly right now.
Kwik Stix– These are our favorite paint sticks, and I have these in my ‘saved for later’ list so I can just add to cart when ours are running low.
Melissa & Doug Princess Stamp Set– I added this to my list since it’s something I will probably buy for my daughter after other craft supplies start running out.
I shared my purchases, now share yours with me! If you have any must-haves that you’ve bought recently, please share below!