30 Days of Self Care with Printable Resource


Self Care is something that has gained more spotlight in recent years, especially, of course, this year. In a blur of days and jokes about only being able to tell the difference between days, it’s even more important that you find those separate activities for YOU. It’s especially important for those of you out there on the path of growing babies! Each of us has our tried and true go-to for getting ME time but maybe there’s something here that will speak to you a bit more these days. Did you know there are categories when it comes to self-care? A quick search tells me there isn’t a end-all number for the number of categories, but there are some themes. I’d love to break down the BIG FOUR when it comes to self-care.

If you’d like to take the 30-day Challenge of self-care once a day, download this prompt guide here: Self Care 30 day challenge. Plus, we included a worksheet for you to print and keep track of each day you are able to do ONE THING here: Self Care – Checklist.

Type 1: Physical

This is probably the most important for our well being! Our bodies need food, sleep, shelter – they are our true homes, right? We live here! Getting rest, eating balanced meals… all things that are harder to accomplish in life as a Mom. So if you’re just not quite meeting this fully, focus on the prompts that will help with this. Do yoga, take a walk, or eat your favorite veggie! Even if you may not get more than an hour of sleep because you’re babe is cluster-feeding, pick one thing you can do (even with a baby attached) that still helps you feel a little bit more like YOU.

Type 2: Emotional

Okay, this one is also very important. I have a feeling I am going to say that for all four of these main types of self-care! Emotional well being is a hard one to quantify. How do we know our emotional needs are being met? We may show this in our reactions to stressors, our patience with others, or even the way we speak about ourselves. Pick a prompt or two that focuses on your emotional needs, like giving yourself a compliment or writing a list of everything you love. Even if you aren’t feeling less than stellar emotionally, these are wonderful ways to feel even better at any time! Who doesn’t love a feel-good activity?

Type 3: Social

Yep, this is a big one. ESPECIALLY right now when our social lives and habits have been completely turned upside down. We may not be able to hug and kiss our friends and family while we navigate a pandemic, but we CAN still give them a call just to chat. We can email old friends to catch up on life. You could even pick a prompt that focuses on taking care of YOU before a socially distant get-together and it can change the whole experience.

Type 4: Spiritual

Of course, this would round out the big four types of self-care. Spirituality is defined differently by each and every one of us. You may pray to God, you may set intentions. You may not believe in anything but find your spirituality through nature and self-reflection. The best part of this type of self-care is that YOU are the leader and decider for your care. Pick a prompt that aligns with how you practice spirituality and go for it! My favorite is to meditate frequently! It helps give me a place to talk to myself positively and practice my own beliefs.

More Types of Self Care

It is frequently mentioned that there are four more types of self-care that should be considered: Personal, Space, Financial, and Work. All four of these can vary from person to person and whether or not they can help the overall well being of those in need of some ME TIME (MOMS, right?) I wanted to focus on the main four because they are a great start to feeling more ME when I need them. I hope you enjoy the prompts and love yourself a little bit more after some self-care. Just remember Mom, you DO deserve some me-time EVERY DAY. Even if it is only to hug your little ones a little extra tight.


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