How To De-Stress During This Time


I think I speak for a lot of people when I say this is definitely one of the more stressful events I have lived through.

There is still so much unknown with the virus and while we get more information every day, we have also experienced new restrictions almost every day. From school, restaurant, and gym closures to the new recommendations of having no gatherings greater than 10 people, it is definitely easy to get stressed. Below are some of the ways I have found to best de-stress.


I love to read and nothing relieves stress for me like getting lost in a good book. Libraries might be closed, but there are other ways for you to get books! If you have a library card you can download the Libby app (or visit the Overdrive website) to borrow library books. You can read these books on your computer or on your smartphone. There are also a ton of free Kindle books available on Amazon right now. A lot of great authors, including one of my all-time favorites in Colleen Hoover, have made some of their books free to help with this crisis. I definitely recommend downloading the Kindle app for either iPhone or Android! This allows you to read anytime, anywhere. Personally, I like to read while getting ready in the morning or while eating breakfast and lunch.


Journaling is another great stress reliever. There are a ton of different ways you can journal. Some people like to write lists or jot down everything that pops into their heads. I have found that writing down everything that is causing me anxiety or stress actually de-stresses me. I write down the things that I cannot control and then make a conscious effort to put these things out of my mind. This is done first thing in the morning with the goal of forgetting about these things for most of the day. It doesn’t always work, but it definitely helps me keep things in perspective.


Meditation is a great way to refocus your energy away from worrying. There are a ton of great guided meditation apps to get you started. My favorite place for guided meditation is Spotify. They have a whole playlist of guided meditations – including guided meditations geared toward anxiety.

Watch TV or Movies

Now that we are all staying home more you might have time to catch up on movies and tv shows that you hadn’t had a chance to watch! While we know too much screen time isn’t great for anyone, especially little ones, it doesn’t hurt to watch a little bit each day. Also, there is a lot of research that says laughing is a great way to relieve stress. Pull up your Netflix or Disney+ and find a perfect comedy for you and your family!

Get Moving

Exercise is proven to relieve stress, even if you only get moving for a few minutes. While all gyms in Ohio are currently closed, there are plenty of ways to be active at home. I love to look up at-home workouts on YouTube, especially yoga. My favorite type of workout to do at home is Tabata. Tabata is a form of HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) where you workout as hard as you can for 20 seconds and rest for 10 seconds. This is done 8 times for 4 minutes in total. I like to do three or four sets of Tabatas when I am in a time crunch. My favorite mix is squats, push-ups, and lunges!

These are just some of the ways I have found myself destressing lately.


What are some of your favorite ways to destress? Let us know in the comments!



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