National Siblings Day – Ways to Celebrate


National Siblings Day is April 10, 2020, and it is a day to celebrate our brothers and sisters. Or if you are an only child, maybe it’s a day for your kids to celebrate their siblings!

National Siblings Day How To Celebrate
A throwback to 1992!

I am fortunate enough to have a sister who is a year and a half younger than me.  We have been best friends since day one. Well maybe not day one, unless she has forgiven me for throwing a ball at her expecting her to catch it shortly after coming home from the hospital.  We were a year apart in school and shared a lot of the same friends, participated in the same activities and sports, and at times felt like we attended the same college with how frequently we visited each other. And now we are raising our babies together!

With my son due in a couple of months, I am excited to see the relationship develop between him and his older sister.  I know in some ways it will be completely 100% different than the relationship between me and my sister, but I also hope for them to be best friends and to always be there for each other.    

History of National Siblings Day

According to the website Nation Day Calendar, it was founded in 1995 by Claudia Evart after she lost two siblings early in her life. April 10 was the date chosen in honor of her sister’s birthday. Claudia also created the Siblings Day Foundation whose mission is to honor the siblings who have helped shape each other’s values, beliefs, and ideals. While technically not a federal holiday, it is recognized in 49 states. All but California!

How You Can Celebrate

  • Plan a special day or evening for just you and your sibling(s), or even include their families
  • Pull out the photo albums and do some reminiscing
  • If you’re long-distance, make some time for a phone call or video chat
  • Even better, plan a surprise visit!
  • Send them a card — I’m making a mental note of this one, because who doesn’t love mail?!

For Younger Kids

  • Plan a special activity like a game, craft, or scavenger hunt
  • Take a trip to a favorite place like the park or zoo
  • Go out to eat at a favorite restaurant 
  • Take a picture for the scrapbook and date it to mark the celebration
  • Depending on their age, ask them to write something they love about their sibling(s) and put the notes in a keepsake box to repeat each year

Sometimes we do not give enough appreciation to our siblings, or we struggle to help our kids appreciate each other. However, today is the perfect day to take the time and show our siblings some love!

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Sarah Fruth
Sarah is a farmer’s wife and a stay at home mom who resides in New Riegel with her husband, Steve, and daughter Hestenne. The family is also expecting their second child in May. They live in a rural area surrounded by fields, and wouldn’t have it any other way. Living with them on their small farm are horses, several chickens and ducks, dogs, a few barn cats, and a goat. Sarah loves to read, write, ride her horses when she can, and get engulfed in small home projects. In an effort to maintain balance and sanity, she is constantly working towards simplifying her family’s life and home. Sarah and her daughter are regulars at their local library’s playgroup and spend a lot of time visiting Daddy on the tractor. She is a believer in natural and holistic health practices and enjoys learning more about them. Sarah is also very passionate about natural health, pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding. She is a firm believer in self-advocacy, knowledge, and support through all stages of motherhood. She blogs about her family’s lifestyle and motherhood at Follow her @theruralredhead.


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