31 Days To A Clean Home


For everyone who needs to know that being a “good” homemaker has less to do with having a clean home and more to do with loving others well. – Sarah Mae 

31 days to a clean home, say what? Yep, its possible. Have you ever read the book ” Having A Martha Home, The Mary Way?” If so, then you know what this post is about. Sarah Mae created a book about cleaning your home in just 31 days while growing your heart. If you want to grow your heart, you can order the book here.

This schedule is based on average homes the size of three bedrooms, two bathrooms, living room ,kitchen, and dining room.  The idea is to clean Monday – Friday and use your weekends for projects, or for extra rooms you need to work through (office, homeschool space, and family rooms). You can make this plan work for you in anyway- adjust as you go!

31 Days To A Clean Home


Scrub, fill and unload the dishwasher, and wash out the sink when you are finshed.

Gather All Paperwork and Odds & Ends Off Counter Tops

Put all the paperwork, odds & ends, and junk mail into a bin or bag to set aside for another day.

Wipe Down Counters

Clean Your Cabinets

Look at all your cabinets… Is there food or grease on them? Wipe each cabinet down.


Pull out everything. Look for your expire labels, wipe down the empty shelves, clean the floor, and orgainze your food back in.

Clean Out Your Fridge

Get rid of anything that is expired or is old, remove everything, wipe all surfaces clean, and organize your food back in.

Clean Your Microwave

Put slices of lemons into a bowl with water and place in the microwave for 2.5 minutes. Wipe the surfaces clean.

Clean Your Kitchen Floor

Scrub and I mean scrub your floors.
Clean the baseboard while you’re at it.

Bathroom #1

Get a bin and pull everything off of the surfaces. Once finished, place the bin outside of the bathroom.
Pour toilet bowl cleaner into toilet.
Wash your mirrors, sink, and then flush and scrub the toilet.
Wash out the bathtub.
Sweep and scrub the floors.
Wipe everything in bucket down and place it back in the bathroom.

Bathroom #1 Cabinets / Linen Closet

Pull everything out of the closets and shelves.
Get Trash Bags for donations.
Sort items into trash, keep, or donate.
Take the donation box immediately to your car and drop the stuff off today or another day this week.
Organize the items that are left in the cabinet/ linen closet.

Living Room

Pick up everything that does not belong in the living room.
Fluff up the couch and throw blankets on your chairs and couches.
If you have a mantel or place for toys- pick one of those areas and remove everything from the surfaces; clean, rearrage, and organize. REMEMBER ONE AREA AT A TIME.
Do everything in your living room except the floors and bookshelves.


Get a big box or trash bag.
Take all the books off the shelf and start organizing them into two different piles. Keep or Donate.
Dust and wipe off your shelves.
Organize the books back and the shelves.

Sweep, Vacuum, and Wash
 Living Room Floor

Also, challenge yourself to set a timer for 20 minutes and pick something that needs to be cleaned up in your home. Get focused, turn on some music, and get as much done as you can in that time frame.

Catch Up Day:
Whatever you previously didnt get done.. DO IT.

Do some laundry 🙂


Pick your oldest child’s bedroom. – Have them help!

Put dirty clothes into a basket and all the clean clothes over the floors onto the bed.
Put all toys and odds&ends on the bed.
Pick up trash and throw it out.
Clean out all shelves and surfaces.
Put clean clothes away.
Put books and odds & ends away.
Put toys and everything else away.
Clean desk if your child has one.
Vaccum or sweap the floors.

Your Closet

Go through and get rid of everything you havnt worn in 2 years. Then flip the coat hangers backwards. Clothes you do not wear this year are the ones with the hangers turned around- donate the clothing on hangers turned around next year.


Purge Toys

Purge the toys your children no longer use.

Bedroom #2
(other childs bedroom or guest room/office)

Put dirty clothes into a basket and all the clean clothes over the floors onto the bed.
Put all toys and odds & ends on the bed.
Pick up trash and throw it out.
Clean out all shelves and surfaces.
Put clean clothes away.
Put books and odds & ends away.
Put toys and everything else away.
Clean desk if your child has one.
Vaccum or sweap the floors.

Bedroom #2 Closet

Clean out the closet and give stuff away.. PURGE away, mama!

Bedroom #3 
(Master, Office, Or Guest Room)

Put dirty clothes into a basket and all the clean clothes over the floors onto the bed.
Pick up trash and throw it out.
Clean out all shelves and surfaces.
Put clean clothes away.
Put books and odds & ends away.
Vaccum or sweap the floors.

Wash ALL bedding in the house.

GO, mama, GO! You can do it!

Bedroom #3 Closet

Clean out the closet and give stuff away.. PURGE away, mama!

Dining Room

Take the day off if you do not have a dining room.

Clean all surfaces
Clean up clutter spots in the room.
Sweep and Mop the floors.

Kids School Stuff (Homeschool Space)

Pull everything out (book bags included)
Sort Into Piles of keep, trash, items to organize, school books, and supplies.
Clean the area.
Organize Everything.

Sort Day

Remember the pile of papers and miscellaneous items from the kitchen? Well, time to organize and go through today!


Organize the remaining closets in your home.
Less = MORE.

Family Room
(or other extra room in your home)

Don’t forget the boxes for donation when cleaning out your extra room/family room.

Entryway Cleaning

Grab all shoes, trash, odds & ends, and whatever else is scattered in your enteryway.
Sweep, Vacuum, and Mop area.
If you have a coat rack, tidy the area up.
Are your mail keys and other items placed here too? CLEAN IT UP!

Clean YOUR Office

Clean everything, organize your piles of paper, and get motivated to work out of your office again.

Laundry Room

Sort laundry and begin your loads.
Clean off and wash surfaces of your washer and dryer.
Take out the trash.
Vacuum and Sweep the laundry room.
Tidy up any other area in the room to make it clean.

Organize The Kitchen

Pull everything out of drawers you want to clean and organize.
If you find random Christmas cards, past due bills (pay them), and then THROW THEM AWAY.

Kitchen Cabinets and Top Of The Fridge

Clean only the cabinets you know that need to be organized.


Catch up on a project you didn’t finish or a day you might have skipped on 🙂

Take a Mama NAP!

Congratulations. YOU DID IT.

What a crazy 31 days to cleaning, right? Do this twice a year! It will change your life. What did you learn through out this 31 days to a clean home? Comment below! 


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