Groundhog Day Facts & Local Events


February 2, 2020, we celebrate national Groundhog Day with our little rodent meteorologists. Did you know we have our very own groundhog in Toledo?

Many states will gather round to witness their official groundhog waking from hibernation to emerge from its burrow to reveal itself. If it sees its shadow, then there will be 6 more weeks of winter. If it does not see its shadow, then it is said that spring will be arriving soon.

The Groundhog Day tradition started in Europe as Catholic Candlemas Day. Germans who settled in Pennsylvania in the 1700s brought the tradition to America. In America, Catholic Candlemas Day is replaced with Groundhog Day. Although there is no factual predictive skill, many people believe that the groundhog can correctly predict the beginning of spring.

In eastern countries, this day represents the end of the Christmas season. It is also important to farmers as an old English song is as follows: “If Candlemas be fair and bright, come winter, have another flight. If Candlemas brings clouds and rain, go winter and come not again” meaning that if the sun “overshadows” Candlemas day then there will be more winter and if the light of Candlemas day shines through then the end of winter is near.

The Punxsutawney Spirit Newspaper proclaimed February 2, 1886 as the first OFFICAL Groundhog Day thus making February 2nd national Groundhog Day. Every Groundhog Day they hold a festival and await Punxsutawney Phil to appear.

Many states have their own official groundhog. One of Ohio’s official groundhogs is Buckeye Chuck who resides in Marion, Ohio and began his career in the ’70s. Our other famous rodent is from our very own Holland, Ohio! The original was Huckleberry Holland who debuted his career in 2001. We then had HuckyToo and we now make way for HuckyTre to debut this year on February 2, 2020!

Local events are as follows:

January 28, 2020, Toledo Heights Branch Library is hosting a “Hibernation Station” event from 5 – 6 pm in the upstairs meeting room for kids age 5-10. The Lucas County Soil and Water Conservation District will explain hibernation with story and craft. There will be animal hides and preserved specimens to explore.

February 2, 2020, Wildwood Preserve will be hosting a free Groundhog’s Day event from 10 – 11:30 am includes a groundhog walk, crafts, stories, games and lots of fun!


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Jamie Maxwell
Jamie is a 29-year-old wife and SAHM who resides in Holland, OH with her husband Pete, her handsome 4-month-old son Brecken & 2 rescue senior pups (because they’re all puppies, right?) Trixie & Bourbon. Helping people is her and her family’s passion. Her husband is the Finance Director at Lexus of Toledo and Jamie previously worked as a Paralegal & most recently an Insurance Agent with State Farm. Her current passion is skincare as she enjoys helping others feel better in the skin they’re in through Rodan + Fields. She is also currently working hard to open up a kids clothing boutique in 2020. In her free time, she loves to organize things (weird, she knows), Pinterest baking & crafting, going boating with her family, and traveling. Keep up with Jamie on Instagram @jmmax18!


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