The Gift of Receiving Help: The Power in Community


The Gift of Giving and ReceivingI don’t doubt that you could find a way to get it all done. But here’s the thing, you don’t have to do it alone!

Soccer practice, snacks, laundry, meals, last-minute school spirit week, and you can’t find last year’s crazy socks, etc. The list is long, and your fuse is probably getting shorter by the minute.

I know what it feels like to try to do all of the things while saying to anyone that offers help, “It’s fine, I’ve got this.”

Best Advice I Ever Received

However, here’s the part I never understood until a sweet friend of mine put it in perspective. Accepting help is not all about what you take from someone; it’s also about what you give them.

Her question to me was, “Why do you do all the things you do?”

Not waiting for my response she said, “You do them because it makes you feel good to help others.”

She went on to say, “Allow others to feel that same way by letting them help you.”


I never considered what exactly I was turning away when I didn’t accept help. My thought was I didn’t want to impose. I figured everyone had enough on their plate without me adding to it. 

I stopped to think about how great it felt whenever I helped a friend or neighbor out. My friend was right, and I slowly got more comfortable accepting help from friends and family.

Support System

I’ve been blessed with family and friends that live nearby and are always happy to help. Maybe your family is farther away. If you don’t have a support system nearby, I encourage you to go out and make one.

Starting something new can be scary and overwhelming. Especially when your time is already stretched thin. But finding and building support into your daily life can help you and others around you.

Toledo Moms

Not sure where to start? You’re already in the perfect spot!

Toledo Moms was created to connect area moms. Want to take a baby step? Join the Toledo Moms Community & Conversation on Facebook

Introduce yourself, and I’m sure you’ll find you have a lot in common with other moms in the area. 

Take the next step and go to one of the events Toledo Mom hosts. When I went to my first event, I didn’t know anyone there, I was nervous, and second-guessed if I should go. I’m glad I went because I immediately felt welcomed by the other moms in the group.

Whether you have an existing support group or are looking to grow one, find the courage to lean on others. Not because you aren’t capable of doing it alone but because you see the benefit of a community helping one another out.

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Michelle Turner
Michelle Turner was born and raised in Toledo, Ohio. She can’t imagine a better place to raise her now teenage daughter. She’s been married to her husband for 14 + years and with their daughter and raised a much-loved pooch named Clever. She’s a lover of organization, Gilmore Girls, and baking. She works full time and has also started a side business, Remind and Inspire, to help moms find inspiration from memories and treasured moments. She does this by incorporating baby’s clothes, beloved blankies, and treasured team t-shirts, into a keepsake journal. She also has a blog where she shares ways to create memories with your kids.


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