What do I pack in my hospital bag? Being a first-time mom I wasn't sure exactly what I was gonna need at the hospital. So naturally, I turned to the all mighty Pinterest for ideas. I then found myself...
I have always stood from my seat when the pastor called for all mothers to be honored on Mother’s Day. Though I had no children in the nursery, nor by my side, I was—am—a mother. I stood, even then,...
My birth plan wasn’t typical. I wished for a c-section. From very early on in my pregnancy, the thought of delivering vaginally was not appealing to me. Probably, it’s because my mom delivered all of us via c-section, so...
As I was preparing to have my first baby, I read about moms who made freezer meals ahead of time so their family wouldn’t have to worry about cooking right away. I immediately loved this idea and started researching...
To the mama who has had to go through a pregnancy during a pandemic. To the mama who didn't get to celebrate the birth of their child surrounded by friends and family. To the mama who didn't get the professional images...
I am pregnant with my first child and have been looking forward to my baby's arrival since I found out I was pregnant. My pregnancy has been relatively easy and I have been enjoying it so far. I have...
I think it is without saying, when a woman goes through infertility there are more emotions than imaginable. They hold most of the weight on their shoulders and first thought always goes to “what is wrong with me?”, “why...
Motherhood. It’s something many girls dream of from a very young age. The thing is, no one warns you that your dream of being a mom, may not be so easy. Nope, there isn’t just a watermelon seed that...
The year is 2016. I'm a newlywed. We decide it is time to have a baby. As a science teacher, I have a strong understanding of the physiology involved in human reproduction. There are no congenital health defects that...
My husband and I struggled to get pregnant with our first child. Unlike the majority of my friends, we just couldn’t seem to get it right. We suffered through (and I say suffer because we truly did suffer throughout...