In today's world, it is more important than ever to encourage teenage girls to participate in athletics. As a mom to 4 girls, I know engaging in sports not only promotes physical health but also fosters essential life skills,...

Breastfeeding When Sick

Between the back-to-school bustle & upcoming holidays at some point the unavoidable dread of seasonal illness will strike. Many of the medications that are commonly seen on drug store shelves which target symptoms of seasonal illness are off limits...
Nothing says Fall in the Midwest quite like Apple Picking and Orchards. Northwest Ohio has so many options when it comes to U-Pick Apple Orchards and Fruit Farms! Whether you’re looking to pick your own as a family, or...
If you had been around me at all in the last 2.5 years, you would have heard me talk about how DONE having babies we were. While I love being a mom, weirdly enjoy giving birth, and absolutely adore...
We all know that the best apple picking months are generally September and October, right? But the real question is what are you going to do with all those apples you just spent 2 hours with the family picking?...
We have just kicked off our FOURTH year of Homeschool in our house with a Kindergartener and a 3rd grader. As we enter a new year, here are my list of tips for getting back into the rhythm:  Set...
Ending Summer Chaos While we will miss the laziness of summer days, and the opt in sport workouts, the back-to school season brings a sense of renewal and structure. For moms, this month can be both bittersweet and exciting. This...
As the days grow shorter and the sun starts to set earlier, the realization dawns upon us that the carefree days of summer are coming to an end. For moms, this time can often bring mixed emotions – relief...
My kiddos can't have or even smell a campfire without immediately wanting to make a s'more. Both my husband and I grew up spending summers at our respective families lake homes, and now we share those summer nights with...
If you're kids are anything like mine, they want a snack every hour. In the summer they want ice cream and treats daily. Popsicles are something I've always tried to keep in the freezer for quick grab snacks that...