The Best Diet

The first man who stole my heart was Tommy, the Green Mighty Morphin Power Ranger.  Before I owned a Tiger Beat Magazine to drool over JTT or Leo Decaprio, my 7-year-old self would wake up for the 7:30am airing...
June 2020. My rock bottom. My anxiety and depression were the worst they had ever been. My patience was non existent, especially with the kids. I didn’t mind quarantine because it was an excuse to not leave the house. I...
While walking along the river at Side Cut Metropark last year, my eight-year-old spotted some discarded fishing lures.  Like any kid, he felt he had to collect these. Like any kid, now that he was armed with hooks, he decided...
As a little girl I always knew I wanted kids. When I was younger I thought I would be married and have all my kids by the age of 25, this my friends, did not happen, and I hate...
For well over a year, I dreamed of taking a whole weekend to myself.  No kids, no husband, no friends . . . just lots of quality alone time.  As virtual school dragged into its eighth month, this introvert momma...
I feel like organization is all the rage right now. There are Netflix series solely based on organization, Pinterest and Instagram are full of photos of pantries organized by colors, and celebrities even employ people to organize their own...
A year ago, around this time I bought a $9 magnetic calendar on Amazon and decided I was going to commit to start writing out my weekly meal plans. Having a set weekly plan allows me to see all...
Here I am, thirty-ish days shy of turning 31 and my mind is at ease. Much more at ease than it was this time last year. Last year, you know when the Pandemic hit in March; the same time...
Yup, you read that right. I'm done "working out." Now don't go get your resistance bands in a tizzy. Of course I want to exercise. It's the phrase "working out" that gives me anxious vibes. 'll be totally fine until someone says, "Hey girl,...
Like most women who are fortunate enough to carry babies, my body was definitely not the same as it was prior to popping out my two little cherubs. My postpartum mom bod included sagging and squishy parts that were...