Mommy Tummy. A term that becomes all too familiar once you’ve carried a baby. But is it Myth or fact? Meaning, is it a legit “condition” that we are doomed to walk the earth with, and no relief in...
My husband Josh's grandmother recently passed away. She had been sick in recent months, but her passing was still relatively sudden. It was hard and painful for a variety of reasons. We were lucky to have had the chance to...
Warm weather season is here again in Ohio.  There are so many things I love about it-- longer days, the kids playing outside, flowers blooming, pool time, and a slower pace of life.  But there is also one thing I dread...
Moms, let's face it - motherhood is hard. Whether you're a working mom, work-from-home mom, or a SAHM, you're likely balancing it all. No one family is exactly the same, so we all make different decisions based on many different factors....
Dear Special Needs Mama, I see you.  I see you prepping for that IEP meeting where you will be met with resistance to your requests and hear all about the things your child cannot do.  I see you panicking about another...
Confession: I never graduated college. In 2010 I was one semester away from my associates degree when I dropped out. I was 19 and struggling with my mental health and new found college freedom. I had no idea what I...
How much do you think you spend yearly on children’s clothing? It’s kind of crazy how much the cost of kid’s clothes can add up. I know I don’t want to pay high prices for growing kids, so I’ve...
Even when things weren't necessarily in "lockdown" mode last summer, our family (like many) still limited gatherings and traditional summer break activities.  As a result, usual XBox time limits were sacrificed for the greater good of keeping my kids...

The Golden Hour

"The Golden Hour" is not just for photographers. The golden hour that I speak of is not that small window of perfect sunlight that captures the most precious of family photos. No, this golden hour is for moms (and...
Road trips with kids can be challenging, to say the least.  But road trips with kids alone, as in no other adult to help you manage the tiny demanding humans in the back seat, can be quite the undertaking. ...