“I’ll never be a mom that yells all the time” Those famous words, you hear them all the time. Usually said by women who aren’t moms yet. I was that person. And if I’m being honest, I wasn’t the mom...
Being a mom is the greatest job in the world. Being a mom is the toughest job in the world. Being a mom is the strangest job in the world. Being a mom is the most rewarding job in the world. Being a...
We all know we should reduce, reuse, and recycle.  They're all good for the planet. Recycling is good, but reusing is better than recycling.  And reducing our use of disposable materials is even better than reusing them!  The less we...
1- Dad’s take on just as much of the burden of parenthood as moms  Hear me out...Mom’s take on a lot. We are typically the “default” parent and we carry the mental load of the family. As a stay-at-home mom,...
When my husband and I moved into our house in Perrysburg we had only been married a few weeks. We were in our early 20’s and so excited to take on this new adventure. Fresh off the high of...
TikTok: A Place For Moms? That's right! TikTok is not just for kids anymore! You can find people of all ages, and backgrounds, from all over the world on the app! And, yes, even moms are creating some of the...
Perfect Picture Five 'o clock would near and I could feel the anxiety build inside me.  There were three children under the age of five roaming around the house.   They were snacking and had toys all over the floor.  I...

I Get It Now

Dear Mom, I get it now. I understand a lot of why you did and said what you did while I was growing up. It makes sense why you do and say a lot of what you do now that I am...
First off, congrats mama! Whether you're a first-time mama or have done this before, there is no denying pregnancy this year is much different. While we are all glad 2020 is behind us; the truth is that 2021 has not been...
Senior Year... Homecoming, snake dances, bonfires, senior prom, senior skip day. Getting out early, just one more college visit, and last but not least graduation. All the events that make up a senior year. Twenty-some years later I still remember...