I get a lot of questions about being a foster parent. A lot of people are intrigued by it, and we often get questions about how people can help foster parents out. I understand that being a foster parent...
I haven't always loved to run. It wasn't until I was in college that I really got into running "competitively". I love the competition against myself and the challenge of trying to be better than I was the race...
Food allergies. Until about three years ago, I knew NOTHING about them. What the signs are. How serious they can be. How you can literally die from eating a food you’re allergic to. I was clueless. When I was...
Growing up I never had a regular cycle. I just chalked it up to being “too skinny”, “to active”, or “different”. It never bothered me to go months without my period and then have spotting for weeks on end....
Motherhood. It’s something many girls dream of from a very young age. The thing is, no one warns you that your dream of being a mom, may not be so easy. Nope, there isn’t just a watermelon seed that...
The year is 2016. I'm a newlywed. We decide it is time to have a baby. As a science teacher, I have a strong understanding of the physiology involved in human reproduction. There are no congenital health defects that...
So often in this community of mothers, I feel as though we often forget to show appreciation to the real MVPs in our lives: our husbands. We repeatedly search for answers, guidance, and support from other mothers and forget...
Coffee Is Essential This is why we have teamed up with one of our hometown caffeine heroes Maddie & Bella to bring something extra special just for our Toledo Moms! We have been hard at work planning something extra special...
Sponsored Post Brought To You By: Innate Health Chiropractic Why is it that no one has truly explained the amazing benefits of chiropractic services to me before? As I sat and listened to Dr. Nick explain the long list of...
Missing deadlines. Losing clients. The house is a disaster. The feeling of failure hits the hardest in the afternoon. My head spins day after day and I can’t turn my brain off. I long for bedtime so I can escape...